2021 AILA Award for Civic Landscape

In the recent AILA SA awards, Oxigen received the 'Award of Excellence in Civic Landscape' for The Kaurna Learning Circle & Karrawirra Parinangku – University of Adelaide Northern Campus Redevelopment.

Oxigen were engaged by the University of Adelaide to create a new northern entry to the University called Karrawirra Parinangku (From the Red Gum Forest River) and is an acknowledgement of the Kaurna people, culture and country. This project replaces carparks and bitumen roads with a meeting place and cultural and ceremonial space marked by Kaurna language set in paving and framed by a new Wangu pole art installation.

Visitors are greeted by a Welcome to Country statement in Kaurna language and a cultural space that aims to connect the campus physically and spiritually with the Karrawirra Pari (River Torrens).

Click here for further information on the 2021 awards.