Space Canopy - Lot Fourteen
Located between two State Heritage buildings, the Lot Fourteen Canopy provides both a marker to the main pedestrian entry to Lot Fourteen and a sheltered outdoor space for school kids visiting the Australian Space Discovery Centre.
Minda Coast Park
Minda Coast Park ‘opens up’ the dunes for engagement with the community while conversely enhancing and protecting its ecology for the future.
Wangayarta is two hectares of purpose-built memorial park dedicated to reburial of Kaurna ancestors disturbed from their original burial locations by the development of Greater Adelaide and sent to South Australian Museum.
Railway Plaza
Completed in early 2021, the delivery of Railway Plaza has provided a new type of space to the City of Victor Harbor that caters for visitors, locals, events and festivals.
Tonsley Innovation District
Tonsley is emerging into a one of a kind project that will set the benchmark in how we approach adaptive reuse.
Oxigen were engaged by the ACT Government for the consultation and FSP design for Catherine Park located within the Molonglo River Reserve.
Lot Fourteen
An urban brownfield’s site in the Adelaide CBD, leading a team of architects, engineers and specialists in a major urban renewal project to transform the former Royal Adelaide Hospital site.
The Kaurna Learning Circle & Karrawirra Parinangku
A new northern entry to the University of Adelaide called Karrawirra Parinangku (From the Red Gum Forest River) and is an acknowledgement of the Kaurna people, culture and country.